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Prolotherapy injections

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Ostenil joint Injections

Prolotherapy injections, also known as proliferation therapy or regenerative injection therapy, are a type of treatment used for chronic musculoskeletal conditions. The goal of prolotherapy is to stimulate the body's natural healing response and promote tissue repair.

During a prolotherapy session, a trained healthcare provider injects a solution, typically containing a substance like dextrose or other irritants, into the affected area, such as ligaments, tendons, or joints. The injected solution is carefully administered at specific points, targeting areas of pain or instability.

The theory behind prolotherapy is that the injected solution creates a controlled inflammation response, which triggers the body's healing mechanisms. This inflammation stimulates the production of collagen, a protein that helps strengthen and repair damaged tissues. The collagen buildup is believed to increase the stability and strength of the treated area, reducing pain and improving function.

Over time, as the body heals and new tissue forms, the treated area may experience decreased pain and improved joint function. Multiple sessions of prolotherapy injections may be required to achieve the desired results, and the frequency of treatments can vary depending on individual circumstances and the condition being treated.

It's important to note that prolotherapy should only be performed by trained and experienced healthcare professionals. If you're considering prolotherapy as a treatment option, I recommend consulting with your healthcare provider to discuss its suitability for your specific condition and to address any questions or concerns you may have.

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